
Friday, December 30, 2011

Let's Do This, 2012!

Here we go with the obligatory "new year, new me" post!

I am typically not one for New Year's Resolutions. No particular reason, but I just don't like them.

However, for the last couple of months I have felt like I was kind of negative. A little whiny. Just not someone people would want to be around for a long period of time.

So, we're turning things around in 2012! It is going to be the year defined by me. I am going to make the decisions that are best for me. I'm going to do things for me. I am going to make positive changes and it will benefit everyone!

(And by "we" I mean both of the twins - I'm a Gemini after all.)

2012 will be the year that is defined by me. I will make the decisions that are best for me. I will focus on me. And I believe that this will make me a happier person. Which will benefit everyone!

You know how I love music, and I found the song that says what I want to say:

(Skip forward to the 2:15 mark to begin the song.)

First of all, can we talk about how adorable Johnny Cooper is?? I would like to see an official copy of his birth certificate because I don't believe for a second that he is 23 years old.

I guess that makes me a birther.


I am also looking forward to a trip to Thailand! Dates have not been s

et yet, but I'm planning a trip to Thailand probably some time around my birthday!

SO excited!

Some gym goals I have for 2012 include:

- kipping pull-ups
 - 15 consecutive double unders
- rope climb

And I am setting a goal for myself to take at least one instagram picture a day for 365 days.

Wow, 2012 is going to be a busy year!

Finally, in 2010 I posed this from TD Jakes and I think it is a good idea to read it as we start this year.

(Ahem, Superfan, I'm talking to you.)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Behavioral Modifications

One of the girls at work had a few of us over for a holiday lunch yesterday.

Trying to stay paleo is difficult and I typically try to avoid situations in which I do not know what food will be served. But there are some dynamics at work that really required me to attend this particular lunch.

So I did.

It was a mix of former and current employees of the City and it turned out to be fun.


At some point, and I'm not quite sure how, we go on the topic of pets. Now, I don't currently have a pet, but I used to have Ed-dog and I loved him a lot, so I thought I could hang in the convo. 

I was so wrong.

They started talking about cats. And I'll be honest - that's where you lose me.

So one of the women was talking about her new male cat and how she hopes he doesn't start spraying. And something about how they learn that from other cats so she thinks she is safe...blah, blah, blah.

Then one of the other women starts talking about her three cats. Two females, one male - all full-siblings. 

 I missed the part of the story where she told us how long she had them. But what I did hear was that the male randomly started peeing on things in her house.

So what does the logical person do in this situation?

Obviously takes the cat to the vet.

And the vet says that the problem is that the male cat wants to be in charge, but one of the females is in charge, so he is establishing his dominance by peeing on things.

The solution for this issue:

(And I quote,) "We have started using some behavioral modifications. We hold the male on our laps and pet him and love him and if the female cat comes up, we tell her 'no!'"

Seriously, I don't know how I did not start laughing hysterically right there at the table. More importantly, I hope that my facial expressions didn't give me away.

Because when I called Diddy immediately after pulling out of the driveway to tell him the story and he couldn't even understand what I was saying because I was laughing so hard.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Miscellany Monday

I will start by apologizing - I know I do this every week, but I really have no idea why I have not sat down and wrote a few Vegas stories for you.

I'm hoping that 2012 is going to be a better year for me - in a lot of ways.

Here's to hoping that will include more blogging!

goin' to the Chapel

No, not me.

IT called last night and it's official - she got the ring! Which, I guess means that I need a name for the boy. 

That might take me awhile - there's a lot of pressure!

Did you ever see the Friends episode where Monica gets engaged and Rachel and Phoebe are talking in the coffee shop about it. And Rachel says something to the effect of, "I'm so happy for her and just a little jealous."

Well, I'm 80/20.

IT, if you're reading this - you know I'm so super excited and I love you! :)

picture this

We had our annual family Christmas Party on Saturday night.

We used to have it on Christmas Eve, but Pie Ranch would get frustrated because everyone was always late or rushed so she decided this year to move it up a week.

SO much fun! 

We had a "photo booth" set up and it was a blast!

Check out how adorable Tiny and I are:

I don't really know why my hair looks red in this picture though...


I have been reminded twice this morning that life is short.

So I want to take this opportunity to remind you to tell those you love how you feel about them. 

And please know that I love and appreciate every single one of you (those I know and those I don't) for coming here and reading my crazy.

I love to write - I would write even if no one read, but it is nice to know that someone else is.

So thank you!

merry, merry

I hope that all of you have a wonderful Christmas, or whatever holiday it is that you celebrate! 

Now head on over to lowercase letters and read a blog you've never read before!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Keepin' It Miscellaneous

Holy Hannah Montana - I can't believe this is my first December post... I can't believe any of you are still out there reading this thing!


This past weekend was our annual trip to Las Vegas for the National Finals Rodeo and it was one for the books.

I'll do some recaps later in the week (though I'll have to make them PG, remember my parents read this blog...)

For now, you will have to enjoy a few miscellaneous thoughts from the adventure.

search and rescue

We've deployed a search and rescue to try and locate Dirty's dignity.

According to DVL* I'm lucky that you can't lose something you never had...

cherry vodka

Take it from me, carrying a flask of cherry vodka in your clutch may lead to a marriage proposal, but it will also lead to a headache in the morning.

long live cowboys

But not this one - he tried to shoot me.

packing up and moving out

Diddy was not excited when he opened the car to put his bag in and found this:

I was not this enthusiastic on the ride home:

Head on over to lowercase letters and link up your random.