
Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year. New You.

Wow - even I cringed when typing that title..

How cheesy can I be?

The answer is: pretty cheesy, but that's another story for another day.

Today we are going to talk about the upcoming year.

I have decided that I don't like the word "resolution" in relation to the goals I set for the new year - so I have decided that this year, I will consider these my:

2013 Commitments

write every day: as I previously mentioned, I will commit to writing every day. The goal will be to write here on the blog every day, but some days it may be that I write somewhere else.

one hour of yoga every week: in relation to my fitness goals, I really need to work on my flexibility. As much as I hate yoga, and I really hate yoga, it is the best way to work on flexibility and stretching, so I will commit to at least one hour a week on my off days.

running 7 miles every week: CrossFit has lots of cardio, but I would like to lean out a little more, so I need to burn some more calories, so I will be running at least seven miles every week. I will count any runs that are included in CrossFit WODs, but not warm-ups. And any additional races that I run outside of CrossFit. Whatever is left after those two things will have to be made up on my own time.

For the previous two commitments, weeks will start on Sunday (beginning with today).

As far as CrossFit goes, I have two goals that I am committing to for 2013:

kipping pull-ups: pull-ups were actually on my goal list for 2012 and I didn't reach the goal. But I HAVE to get a pull-up this year and I need to get kipping pull-ups in order to do a lot of WODs as prescribed.

rope climb: I believe I have the strength to do a rope climb, but I have a fear of them. It is totally mental and I need to overcome it and get to the top of that rope.

Finally, I would like to pay off Gus, my car. This is probably a lofty goal, but if I stick to my budget and work really hard, it is totally attainable!

2013 is going to be great!

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