
Monday, March 25, 2013


Tiny turned 4 on Saturday. I know it is so cliche to say, but where does the time go?

This kid is hilarious! The things he says and does make me laugh every day.

A couple of weeks ago, I was at an event with BIL and I was telling him to feel free to promote me to single men. You know, tell them how awesome I am.

He started laughing and told me that Tiny is so much like me. Apparently he will frequently walk up to BIL and say, "Dad, I'm awesome. Are you awesome?"

I say there is nothing wrong with that kind of confidence. And why wait for someone else to point it out? 

But recently it has come to my attention that Sissy may be in trouble with this one. He is one charming kiddo.

At school he was helping his teacher with something and she said, "Tiny, you're my buddy aren't you? Am I your buddy?"

He replied, "No, you're my sweetheart."

I mean, really? Where did he even come up with that?

On Saturday when I got to his house with his gift, an orange case for his electronics, Belly said, "Tiny, isn't orange your favorite color?"

He looked at me with his big brown eyes and said, "I don't like orange."

I got a sad look and asked when he decided that.

He replied, "Ok, I'll change it for you."

Seriously, he knows how to get just what he wants.

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