
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sage Four-Year-Old Wisdom

I took Biggie and Tiny to see Turbo last week. There is a part in the movie where one of the girl snails tells one of the boy snails, "You're going to be my boyfriend and I'm going to call you Boo."

So on the way home we were talking about the movie and the remainder of my weekend. I was going to a convention and there were going to be a couple of guys there who may be potential suitors.

Biggie was talking about two of them being my boyfriend so I asked him how many boyfriends I can have.

He said, "You can have three."

Then Tiny pipes up, "No, you can have one hundred!"

So I say, "Should I tell him, 'you're going to be my boyfriend and I'm going to call you Boo.'?"

Biggie: Yes! Say that! Please say that!
Me: Do you think it will work?
Tiny: Yes! But if it doesn't, just call him whatever he wants.

Clearly Tiny is wise beyond his four years.

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