
Monday, February 27, 2012

Miscellany Monday

all grown up

I was at a public hearing for the Air Force base in our community and the speaker representing the Governor's office was my former intern.

I like to say I made him the man he is today.

a day of love

Lots of things I love on Valentine's Day!

Red shoes with zebra leggings, kale sauteed with bacon and shallots, red zinfandel, and paleo chocolate mug cake with coconut milk ice cream.


long live cowboys

And the women who love them!

My grandparents have been married for over 60 years and in this picture they are helping to celebrate Arizona's Centennial with the state's cattlemen!

paleo goodness

The picture doesn't do this dish justice, but I promise you it is so easy and so, SO good!

Paleo Sundried Tomato Chicken Bake from

drinkin', lovin', fightin' cowboys

Went out dancing with FredAstaire and Ginger for Ginger's birthday. I broke out the old shark boots for the occasion.

There are few things I love more than country dancing at a hole-in-the-wall bar.

defying gravity

Went with Glinda and Fiero to see Wicked at Gammage.

Loved it just as much fifth time! (And excited to see it a sixth this week!)

woot woot

As I previously mentioned - I hit a new personal record for a 5K and I am stoked!

Now head on over to Carissa's blog and check out a blog you've never read before.

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