
Sunday, May 26, 2013

They Say It's Your Birthday...

It's my birthday too now!

I'm 32 years old today.

And outside of the lingering pain in my right hip, I feel better than I can ever remember!

(I'm going to see someone about that hip.)

I have decided that this year will be the year of fitness for me.

Kind of like I was born in the year of the Rooster - this year I will live the year of fitness.

For that reason, I started today with a bikram yoga class.

I'm not going to lie to you - I didn't love it. But I didn't outright hate it either.

I am going back tomorrow and hopefully the stretching will help my mobility in CrossFit and I'll see improvements there.

I'll keep you updated.

Then I went to my parents' house and ate a paleo Samoa donut for breakfast...

It was delicious and Match is the best mom EVER for making them for me!

After coming home for a quick shower, I headed back to Match and Papa's house for my birthday party.

When Biggie arrived, he gave me the card that he made me, and made me cry!

Besides the fact that I am the best "ant" ever. It says that "you look beautiful how you are now."

Seriously, I'm not quite sure he could have written anything more wonderful in that card.

All of the gifts and cards that I received were wonderful, but that card and the one behind it from Tiny are two that I will cherish forever!

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