
Monday, May 13, 2013

TMI, Friends. TMI.

I don't if we've had this talk before, but I'm leaning over the no side of the "ever having kids fence." I will be honest with you, I teeter a little. There are times when I think I would love to have kids, but those times are far outweighed by the times that I love silence. 

I obviously don't have to make the ultimate decision right now, so we're golden for the moment.

However, a large group of my friends have made that decision for themselves and babies are popping out at alarming rates.

Seriously, it is getting nutty and shows no signs of stopping.

A number of months ago, BigSurprise told me that she was expecting. A super exciting announcement considering what she went through to get there.

A bit after that reveal, she sent me a picture of an ultrasound and asked me what I saw.

Now, I won't lie to you, I'm REAL bad at reading ultrasounds! In college, I took a Reproductive Physiology class for the Animal Science portion of my major (and because I worked for the professor, so it was an easy way to get a good grade.) For an extra credit, you could take the lab. Which I did because I had a major crush on the TA. For that reason, I chose to join the group that was going to AI a horse, just because he was leading that group. (I know, I know. I had problems. Trust me, if you saw what this guy looked like, you would call a doctor for me immediately!)

Anyway, as part of the experiment we would have to ultrasound the horse like weekly or some such business. And every week, TA would ask what we saw on the screen. I never saw anything. Sometimes, I would just guess what we were supposed to see and yell out "follicle" or something. Seriously, it just looks like white noise to me.

But even with that kind of ultrasound history, I saw two babies on that picture and I almost died! 

Fast forward to a couple of months ago, and IT tells me that she's pregnant. And then a couple of weeks ago when she tells me that there are two babies in there.

So, two friends, with no history of twins in their families, and taking no fertility meds, are pregnant with twins.

What is going on in this world?!?!?

Apparently, (according to both of their doctors) once you hit 30, your chances of dropping multiple eggs increases. 

I'm about to hit 32 in a couple of weeks - my mind is quickly being made up!

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