
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dear Diary

As you may know, I watch the TV show Biggest Loser. One of the parts of the show that I love is when the trainers work with the contestants to get to the issues that have gotten them to this point.

A couple of weeks ago, Dolvett had one of his contestants write letters to her family and friends forgiving them for the pain that they have caused in her life. 


Dear Society,

For 32 years, I have let you tell me what beauty is.

I have watched your perception of beauty tear people apart.

I have hated myself.

Cried myself to sleep.

Wanted to be anyone but me.

Today I change that.

Today I know that beauty is more than what a person looks like.

Beauty is found in strength - both physical and mental.

Beauty is found in joy.

Beautiful is one word with a million definitions.

Beauty is confidence.

Confidence to know that who I am is enough.

That who you are is perfect.

That what we can be is positive.

I forgive you for luring me into the trap that made me think I wasn't good enough.

I forgive myself for falling for your manipulations.

Starting today I will stand up for beauty, in all forms.

I will remind everyone around me that each of us is so much more than we see in the mirror.

That the most beautiful accessory a person can wear is their smile.

I am better than judging a person by their looks.

You are better than that.

We are better than that.

Let's change the conversation.

Let's focus on the positive.

Let's make people realize their worth does not lie in their ability to fit into a smaller pair of jeans, but in their ability to make the world a better place.

Society, I believe in you.

Will you believe in me?

A Very Strong and Beautiful Me

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